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20 clever everyday life hacks

To make life easier, sometimes you have to get creative and come up with the right tricks.

Illustration : "20 clever everyday life hacks"

To save time or space or avoid getting mixed up when you can’t remember if you took your medication, there are a few tricks that some people have come up with and were kind enough to share.

Here are 20 photos of people who had a stroke of genius.

1. Boil eggs and make coffee at the same time!

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© andyhazlewood / reddit

2. A way to keep chips from getting stale

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© spaceninja110 / reddit

3. How to get your dog to sit still for a picture

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© TheSecondGuard / reddit

4. Combine two zipper bags to make a bigger one!

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© Vega_128 / reddit

5. No bottle opener? No problem!

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© AlbertDumblestein / reddit

6. Wrapping your valuables in a diaper will keep them from getting stolen at the beach!

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© spreading_my_love / reddit

7. Use this hack when drilling a hole in the ceiling to keep dust from falling into your eyes or on the floor.

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© cableguysmith / reddit

8. A brilliant way to include the person taking the family photo…

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© FitWedding / reddit

9. She didn't want to take her medicine.

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© goodlyearth / reddit

10. How to easily carry a lot of clothes when moving

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© unknown / reddit

11. Make your dog feel like you’re there when you’re actually at work.

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© DMLorance / reddit

12. How to save time when heating up food in the microwave

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© TheTrollinator777 / reddit

13. Keep your child busy while you work in the garden by having them paint the fence with water!…

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© talynmitchell23 / reddit

14. You don't have to buy lots of different sized baking dishes.

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© mario61752 / reddit

15. A way to remember the bright ideas you come up with in the car (for the passenger!)

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© DaBABAD00k / reddit

16. Writing the date and time on your medication packaging helps you remember if you took your pill or not.

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© Ariyverd / reddit

17. Hang eucalyptus branches in the shower to release an amazing scent with the steam.

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© Mari1aAW / reddit

18. You don’t have to go broke to make your cat happy!

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© derpyderpyman / reddit

19. When the hinge on your laptop wears out…

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© griffinonthego / reddit

20. When taking things apart, punch your screws through some cardboard and label them. That way you can keep your hardware and remember which pieces go to which items.

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© KaiserBobby / reddit