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  5. 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

Nature is incredible and the following examples are jaw-droppingly beautiful.

Illustration : "16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature"

Mother Nature often comes up with totally unexpected phenomena, and the great thing about the internet is that we can snap and share the extraordinary sights that we stumble upon.

Here are 16 photos that illustrate the power and beauty of nature

1. Look at this stunning yellow turtle, an albino variety found by a man in India

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© deva_iitkgp / Twitter

2. When an eggplant gives you the thumbs up!

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© stormrazor2 / Reddit

3. These birds have been keeping busy

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© boxy_pete / Reddit

4. When snow melts around footsteps

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© GiggglingPixie / Reddit

5. What an incredible rainbow

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© Readingislove / Reddit

6. A melon with a triangular core

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© vung_tau / Reddit

7. A natural arch holds up several young trees

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© Watoosky / Reddit

8. Have you ever seen beans this color?

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© optimistrhyme11 / Reddit

9. When a stone looks like a slice of pizza

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© charliewarner01 / Reddit

10. Still clinging onto summer

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© EnterNicname / Reddit

11. Big and juicy!

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© DaniChickenNug / Reddit

12. Fruit that grows on the trunk

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© Bruno.karklis / Wikimedia Commons, © CC-BY-SA-4.0

13. A tiny pink grasshopper

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© Offamylawn / Reddit

14. When melting snow leaves a pine forest behind

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© milk-cat / Reddit

15. Square roots

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© jobrody / Reddit

16. Raw fire opals

Illustration de l'article : 16 photos that illustrate the beauty and originality of nature

© Stevemoriarty / Reddit