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  4. 18 DIY renovators who should have called in a professional

18 DIY renovators who should have called in a professional

If you're not a natural DIYer, then it's best to use a specialist if you want to avoid untold damage!

Illustration : "18 DIY renovators who should have called in a professional"

Carrying out home renovations yourself can quickly turn into a nightmare.

Here are 18 photos where catastrophe followed a bad DIY attempt.

1. Remember there are always pipes behind bathroom tiles

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© SMexD / pikabu

2. Anything to get some shade

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© allout_atl / reddit

3. Cats and concrete...

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© Unknown Author / imgur

4. Measure how long the wiring is before deciding where to put the plugs

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© vitaminrat / reddit

5. They were proud of what they achieved

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© DanKDogeYz / reddit

6. A levitating fridge

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© waconcept / reddit

7. Make sure everything is out of the way before your pour concrete

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© Pan_Fried_Okra / reddit

8. A scary finishing touch

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© haleydaydream / reddit

9. When the neighbors install a window that looks right into your bathroom...

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© delishousmemes / reddit

10. And these guys put a terrace opposite the bedrooms!

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© Mssmjc / reddit

11. Upside down doors...

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© nm1515 / reddit

12. The importance of knowing which ones are the load-bearing walls

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© fakeaccount572 / reddit

13. Guess how long this will last

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© bloop3338 / reddit

14. The perils of DIY kitchen renovations

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© AksTheGreat / reddit

15. Easier than moving the boulder

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© B3PO1 / reddit

16. They ordered a new carpet before checking what was underneath the old one...

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© tarktarkindustries / reddit

17. A not-so-private toilet

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© ani625 / reddit

18. Those pesky finishing touches...

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© natey_boi1 / reddit