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  4. 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

Every year, there are people who are rewarded by a panel of professionals for their inventions that will change the world. Whether they’re related to technology, everyday life, or even agriculture, there are often some pretty impressive inventions.

Illustration : "18 tips and inventions to solve any problem"

Just as impressive are some inventions that come out of nowhere. We don’t know where people get these ideas! Some of them may seem stupid, but most often they solve a problem. See the proof in the photos below!

1. When you managed to snag a highway cone on the way back from vacation…

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© 32624647 / reddit

2. He was hoping for England to win, but then he had to add “n’t” to it!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© JustAwesome360 / reddit

3. An easy and efficient way to blow up your inflatables this summer!

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© Pr0cyka / reddit

4. A pretty creative mechanical approach! Please do not try this at home…

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© iam_nobody / reddit

5. Well, it doesn’t have to be comfortable...

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© 32624647 / reddit

6. “I asked my son to box his leftover mac-n-cheese at the restaurant. This is what I found when I got home.”

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© MyNamesKyIe / reddit

7. The sensors quit working, so he came up with this solution!

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© fi1osoff / pikabu

8. Instead of using it to mash potatoes, now you can take a shower...

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© memerator / pikabu

9. When you don’t have a corkscrew, put a screw in the cork and pull!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© Chewbakistan / reddit

10. It creates a mixture in your mouth, thanks to this complex contraption!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© Fah-que / reddit

11. When the curtains in your hotel room won’t stay shut, do this!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© Boedarc / reddit

12. Well, it's just cardboard, but it does the trick while waiting for a new bumper!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© Eugene1733 / pikabu

13. When you need to sneak a bottle in somewhere!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© IAteMy_____ / reddit

14. A makeshift beater using a drill and scissors

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© seniorpeanutbutter / reddit

15. Only a chemistry teacher could come up with this idea!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© GisTap / pikabu

16. How to open a key ring!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© QuevedoDeMalVino / reddit

17. An upside-down colander over a burner can be a toaster!

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© TheDemonHobo / reddit

18. The key that leads to water?

Illustration de l'article : 18 tips and inventions to solve any problem

© GisTap / pikabu