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  4. 19 photos where something's not quite right

19 photos where something's not quite right

Some photos require a double-take if we're to figure out exactly what's going on.

Illustration : "19 photos where something's not quite right"

At first glance, these photos mess with our brains, whether it's because their subject matter is unusual or the angle and timing give a misleading result.

Here are 19 photos that require a second glance if our minds are to figure out what's going on.

1. When the only head support they have is a bar of chocolate

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© star_man_u / reddit

2. Anything to keep cool on a hot day

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© Brownian-Motion / reddit

3. Watermelon that are also onions and potatoes

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© pbarcher / reddit

4. She couldn't recognize which one was her mom

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© noremacrose / reddit

5. Seriously?

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© Doctorphotograph / reddit

6. When you turn a staircase into a "feature"

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© magnoliaadelle / reddit

7. That's a lot of starch

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© Ch11rcH / reddit

8. Yes, mousetraps work

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© graphixs6 / reddit

9. When you wake and see this...

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© sesse301187 / reddit

10. Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© mxlp / reddit

11. Two ads, one message

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© kiddsky / reddit

12. She told her kids to tidy up their books

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© dahamsta / reddit

13. When her owner comes home from work

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© ermmmamber / reddit

14. It's all in the angle

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© Spike-Tail-Turtle / reddit

15. The art of mastering reflections

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© youngack / reddit

16. Dog meets bear

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© bigolbur / reddit

17. The attack of the giant mosquito

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© ThePhantom1994 / reddit

18. Surely this is cannibalism?

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© knab3ar / reddit

19. Is she standing in front?

Illustration de l'article : 19 photos where something's not quite right

© orangeyougiddy / reddit