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  4. 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

We all have our fair share of bad days, and you may well have experienced the same misery as the following people.

Illustration : "19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes"

These events are all part and parcel of life, and all we can do is take them in our stride and tell ourselves that tomorrow presents a fresh start. It's often a matter of luck when things go belly up and the following 19 photos prove that some things are completely out of our control.

1. His mom once attended a hair stylist course and years' later decided to try out her skills

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© GuccimyBoi / reddit

2. When you win the lottery and this is your prize

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© krissstenlm / reddit

3. The neigbor's tree popped in to say "hello"

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© Bloomshockalocka / reddit

4. Delivered 'horizontally'

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© Dramatic-Package-591 / reddit

5. When the store gets the angle wrong

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© kirby5801 / reddit

6. A wedding day that no one will forget

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© ihateusernames0501 / reddit

7. Just a few inches too high

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© onlywittysometimess / reddit

8. This is what happens when you get ready in a rush

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© ghmatos / reddit

9. She opened it upside down

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© sashagreyhound / reddit

10. He finally found his lost phone!

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© Old-iesi / reddit

11. Trust the cat to leave its mark

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© Niyi_M / reddit

12. Always pour really slowly

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© CTRex***e / reddit

13. A foggy view after a long hike

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© WhatAJSaid / reddit

14. The tiniest chicken wings...

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© SOS--*** / reddit

15. When you leave the kids alone for 2 minutes

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© cravenight / reddit

16. They wanted a window seat

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© nemchuk / reddit

17. Just so long as no one was hurt

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© Exquisitefish / reddit

18. Hope they're not in a rush

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© TTrouble845 / reddit

19. The perils of dozing off in the sun

Illustration de l'article : 19 times things went downhill in a matter of minutes

© vectorious1 / reddit