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  4. 20 people who had a pretty bad day

20 people who had a pretty bad day

One person's bad day may be another's source of laughter and the following selection could happen to any of us.

Illustration : "20 people who had a pretty bad day"

Life's glitches can ruin our day, but make others giggle, and all we can do is make the best of a bad situation in the hope that things will get better.

Here are 20 photos taken by people who snapped and shared a bad day.

1. He didn't think about how he'd get upstairs while the work was being done

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© M****rously-funny / Reddit

2. Their car broke down and this happened to their lunch

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© millre01 / Reddit

3. What do you do? Insist the plane stops? Plan an insurance claim?

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© mrplinko / Reddit

4. First and last time they didn't use an oven tray

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© Extis83 / Reddit

5. And he was hoping to use his new, expensive binoculars

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© Ericalva91 / Reddit

6. Guess how many people used this to wash their hands and face

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© Zeewild / Reddit

7. Exercise can cause damage

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© NugglyNika / Reddit

8. And during a freezing night too

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© L***myb****h***s / Reddit

9. When the tip ends up in your ear

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© JustChillDudeItsGood / Reddit

10. Guess which employees are disliked by the car park staff

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© SilentExpressions92 / Reddit

11. Eew, disgusting

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© pretty_dirty / Reddit

12. They fell through the ceiling. Gulp.

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© StickyMcdoodle / Reddit

13. Strange way to park...

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© Racer_E36 / Reddit

14. Note to self: add "new carpet" to the refurb budget

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© YoungSaucyTheDripGod / Reddit

15. When the local ice rink delivers this to your repair shop

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© Nervous-Clock8361 / Reddit

16. New job, new office, new desk, new keyboard...

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© FraktalFire / Reddit

17. How not to remove snow from cables

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© BodySnatcher101 / Reddit

18. It was their first day at their new job

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© MrTenenbaum7 / Reddit

19. The landlord assured them there wasn't a problem with the water supply

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© Cheddar18 / Reddit

20. Dinner for two?

Illustration de l'article : 20 people who had a pretty bad day

© haddyboo / Reddit