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  4. 20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

To own a pet, and more precisely a cat, means we live in a world full of surprises. Cats are unpredictable, independent and often make us question our sanity.

Illustration : "20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves"

They may sleep a lot, but when they're up and about, there's no telling what mischief they'll cause or drive us crazy as we try to figure out which hidden corner of the house they've snuck into. But, whatever chaos they cause, we still love them to bits! Here's a hilarious selection of photos showing what cats do best - being a law unto themselves!

1. "Don't even think about sleeping in your own bed!"

Illustration de l'article : 20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

© unknown / imgur

2. How to destroy a hard drive

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© unknown / imgur

3. "If it fits, I sits!"

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© AsadQayyum / imgur

4. Obviously this was the dog's fault...

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© unknown / imgur

5. Refusing to let go...

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© Kal-El99 / reddit

6. Enjoy your meal!

7. No room for two...

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© kittypotter / reddit

8. Just hanging out with the ducks

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© ZigguratofDoom / reddit

9. Balancing act!

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© HSimpson818 / reddit

10. Why use a cat flap when there are blinds to destroy?

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© Enter_Text_Here / reddit

11. A not-so-subtle thief!

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© unknown / imgur

12. Cat money box?

13. How to keep warm on a chilly day

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© unknown / imgur

14. And cool during a heatwave...

15. Convinced no one can see it...

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© PeanutbutterPirate / imgur

16. When a cat doesn't like selfies...

17. "What is it with humans and their blinds?"

Illustration de l'article : 20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

© taraclaire / reddit

18. Don't make the slightest noise...

Illustration de l'article : 20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

© unknown / imgur

19. Cat hairs... A neverending story

Illustration de l'article : 20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

© this_immortal / reddit

20. Because cats love playing hide 'n seek

Illustration de l'article : 20 photos that prove cats are a law unto themselves

© twelfthdr / imgur