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  5. 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

12 public works designers who need to go back to school

Architects, engineers, interior designers... They design our homes, public buildings or business centers and decorate our indoor lives. Some, however, either didn't pay attention in class or have a grudge against their client; some even seem to be bent on revenge.

Illustration : "12 public works designers who need to go back to school"

From wonky stairs to hallucination-inducing carpets, here are 15 designs that are borderline dangerous.

1. A staircase or a trompe-l’œil?

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2. How many times do you think someone's stubbed their toe or end up on their butt?

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

3. When a trompe-l’œil puts a driver in ER!

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

4. Totally incomprehensible

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

5. We pity any wheelchair user who has to use this!

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

6. When you want cyclists to die...

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

7. Save trees!

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

8. Only for cyclists who can swim

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

© Themindcircle

9. Doable, just so long as you're flexible, skinny and not using crutches, a wheelchair or a bike.

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

10. The most useless traffic lights in history

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

© Themindcircle

11. This is either a joke in poor taste or someone wants us to burn...

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

12. You should certainly dodge this one!

Illustration de l'article : 12 public works designers who need to go back to school

© Themindcircle