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  5. 15 awesome and incredibly rare natural phenomena that have been caught on camera

15 awesome and incredibly rare natural phenomena that have been caught on camera

It can be hard to find extraordinary photos that haven't been Photoshopped to perfection, but every now and then a 'natural beauty' will do the social network rounds, often to be met with skepticism by people who can't believe their eyes. And, yes they do exist, be it breathtaking landscape shots or rare, even outer-worldly natural phenomena.

Illustration : "15 awesome and incredibly rare natural phenomena that have been caught on camera"

Here are 15 unusual natural wonders, captured by highly talented photographers and which go to prove just how amazing our little planet is!

1. Mirages

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© wikimedia

Mirages appear when the air temperature and density are different and they can be spotted in deserts, on roads, at sea etc. The result is the appearance of an image that isn't there - 'oases' in deserts or on roads are classic examples. If you want to see one for yourself, head to a warm climate and find an area where the ground is much hotter than the air!

2. Moonbows

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© Chris Chabot/flickr

This natural phenomenon can't be seen with the naked eye, as we can't define its color differences during twilight. That said, if there's a full moon and you set a long exposure, you should be able to capture the magnificence of these nocturnal rainbows!

3. Volcanic lightning

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© gnuckx Follow/flickr

Volcanologists have reported seeing violent storms break out during volcanic eruptions. These are caused when gas and ash are spewed into the air. They're a rare phenomenon and you may have to wait years before you manage to catch one on film!

4. Mammatus clouds

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© eastnews

Extremely rare mammatus clouds can appear after violent storms, when air masses move in different directions and form huge, bolder-like clouds. But don't panic - their density and color may look menacing and scary, but rest assured that the sky's not about to fall on your head!

5. Horizontal fire rainbows

Illustration de l'article : 15 awesome and incredibly rare natural phenomena that have been caught on camera

© Jessica Carpenter/flickr

Horizontal rainbows are formed by the same meteorological conditions as a normal rainbow. However, why they appear to be horizontal is likely to be caused by another phenomenon that scientists have yet to explain.

6. Lenticular clouds

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© Mathesont/flickr

Lenticular clouds are unusual not only because of their extra-terrestrial appearance but also because of their altitude. Often mistaken for UFO's, these oval, lens-shaped clouds barely move and seem to hover in the sky.

7. Tornadoes

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© wikimedia

Tornados may be a relatively common occurence, but catching these whirling winds on camera is a different matter! Believe it or not, scientists are still puzzled as to exactly how and why they form, even though we know that they appear when air masses collide.

8. Kelvin-Helmholtz billow clouds

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© Brendan Riley/flickr

These clouds look like the crests of waves washing across the sky and although they're a rare sight, they have been spotted all over the world. Very few photos or videos exist of this remarkable natural phenomenon.

9. Solar eclipses

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© J Lippold/flickr

Lunar and partial solar eclipses are more common than full solar eclipses. To actually see this ring of light is extremely rare, with millions of people gazing upwards for the Great American Eclipse in August 2017. If you missed it you'll have to wait several years for the next one to come around!

10. Hole-punch clouds

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Science has yet to explain this rare phenomenon, although plenty of theories exist. The most plausible explanation is that they're caused by planes piercing a cloud and leaving water droplets behind that form heavy crystals, which eventually fall to the ground.

11. Moon halos

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© Jason Ahrns/flickr

Moon halos are caused when moonlight refracts as it touches ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. This spectacular sight only appears under certain conditions - the moon needs to be full and bright if you're to have any chance of seeing a moon halo.

12. Rainbow clouds

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© Remi Longva/flickr

Another very rare occurence that's also caused by refracted light. They appear about 9 miles above the Earth's surface and their core temperature is around -108°F.

13. The Norwegian spiral

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© Science Channel/youtube

A strange spiral appeared in Norway on a freezing day in 2009. A number of people managed to see and photograph it, but no one knew what caused it to appear. Theories abounded, from UFO's to Black Holes, but experts finally dismissed it as a R30- Boulava ballistic missile.

14. Fire whirls

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© Oregon Department of Forestry/flickr

Fire whirls are one of the most destructive and dangerous phenomena on Earth. They're formed when multiple fires break out and are often seen during forest fires. Although they only last a few minutes, they're impossible to tame and can reach a staggering 2,000°F in temperature!

15. Sun dogs

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© wikimedia

Sundogs and moondogs are most common in winter when sunlight refracts off ice crystals and gives the impression that there are multiple suns or moons.

16. Bonus - strange photos in a Zambian newspaper

Illustration de l'article : 15 awesome and incredibly rare natural phenomena that have been caught on camera

© Kathryn Moore/twitter

Last March a Zambian newspaper printed a photo of a creepy figure floating above a supermarket. People wondered if it was a deity, but the photo proved to be a fake. Even so, you can buy huge balloons that create a similar effect!

Illustration de l'article : 15 awesome and incredibly rare natural phenomena that have been caught on camera

© Real Bizarre/youtube

Nowadays the internet's littered with photos taken by people wanting to outdo their fellow Instagrammers, but although weird phenomena exist, we reckon you're better off finding them and searching for their cause, rather than just reaching for your camera. If you're looking for glory, then coming up with a plausible explanation will get you more attention than just a great shot!