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  5. 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

From unerring loyalty to sibling rivalry, relationships between brothers and sisters are like no other. These photos illustrate them perfectly.

Illustration : "18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters"

When we have a little brother or sister, there will be moments when our life purpose is to put them through hell! Incessant pranks that make us laugh, but which are also a sign of love.

Here are 18 photos that embody the "love" between brothers and sisters!

1. The benefits of giant Lego

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© chopthebass/ Reddit

2. One day it will be her turn

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© KattegoryPhotography/ Imgur

3. She's just been told her little brother isn't a little sister

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© jizzmae / reddit

4. He deliberately told her to move to the left...

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© elliotderp/ Reddit

5. At his sister's wedding

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© LukaCat/ Reddit

6. An oldie, but a goodie

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© rockweiler/ Reddit

7. Guess the gift

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© Trees_and_bees_plees/ Reddit

8. He told his brother he's lost the key

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© El_Garu_/ Reddit

9. A helping push...

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© RealTiee/ Reddit

10. Another 'lost key' scenario

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© ChimerathonPsy***/ Reddit

11. Individually wrapped!

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© thatrommelswag/ Reddit

12. He's going to be in so much trouble

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© andyoung29/ Reddit

13. Laughter and terror!

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© Bokbreath/ Reddit

14. His mom told him the baby couldn't be returned to the store...

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© inebriatedchow/ Reddit

15. His sister still hasn't noticed!!!

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© jalapeno_face/ Reddit

16. So his siblings get freaked out every time they take a shower

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© kingcomer/ Reddit

17. Diabolical brother!

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© leahkray/ Reddit

18. He mimicks all his sister's selfies

Illustration de l'article : 18 photos of pranks played by brothers and sisters

© IcemanIV/ Reddit