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  5. 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

How would you react if you saw an image of your head on a pair of socks? Or if you walked into a restroom only to discover your sneakers blend into the tiles?

Illustration : "20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera"

You'd probably take a snap and share the strange coincidence... But what if it was something more freaky? Is it your mind playing tricks or is there something else at work? Whatever the situation, we all have weird experiences that are hard to explain, just like the following people!

1. Ever seen a stone-less avocado?

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© TheEarthquakeLady / Reddit

2. When you see your portait on a pair of socks!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© Unknown / Imgur

3. Because some families love matching outfits...

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© brneraccnt323 / Reddit

4. The perfect match

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© Wacate / Reddit

5. Nature meets design - awesome effect!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© criss1016 / Instagram

6. What came first? The dog or the bedlinen?

7. Doppelgangers spotted in a park

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© Naivara_Liandon / Reddit

8. Real or Photoshop fake?

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© kinkadec / Reddit

9. When your top matches a logo

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© ndbanana / Reddit

10. This is kinda freaky!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© scotdog / Imgur

11. A helicopter cloud!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© Zulu_x / Reddit

12. Maybe this tree inspired the logo?

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© Wolfofassi / Reddit

13. When you walk across a bridge in Paris, turn around and remark that someone looks just like Wes Anderson - and it turns out to be him!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© blowfishmo / Reddit

14. A real-life pixelated tree

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© PrizeFighter23 / Reddit

15. Just make sure you eat the right one

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© itsyaboy_spidey / Reddit

16. The exact spot where the rain stops

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© washheightsboy3 / Reddit

17. This girl wants to be an astronaut and one day came across this painting of an astronaut in a local gallery

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© JustHereToTease / Reddit

18. When your shoes blend in to the carpet

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© Shimmyftw / Reddit

19. All the digits in ascending order!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© Filmip / Reddit

20. This girl came across the photo on the left online and realized it was her grandma taking the photo on the right!

Illustration de l'article : 20 freaky situations and coincidences caught on camera

© curlysass / Reddit © KSD4 / Reddit