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  4. 20 photos that aren’t what they seem

20 photos that aren’t what they seem

Some pictures have illusions that are hard to understand without a second glance. This is what this series of photos illustrates.

Illustration : "20 photos that aren’t what they seem"

Optical illusions can cause some photos to be disturbing at first glance. Curious people will like seeing their minds challenged with the thought-provoking pictures. As for those who are more practical, they’ll be thrilled to find out the rational explanation for these photos.

Here are 20 compelling photos.

1. The shutter speed makes this plane’s propellers look like they’re melting.

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© hmistry / Reddit

2. His fiancée was able to take a picture that makes it look like he's being swallowed by the ground.

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© Huddunkachug / Reddit

3. This bag’s shadow is frightening…

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© evrenne / Reddit

4. Heavy fog during sunset makes the city look like it's on fire!

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© kinggeorgieo / Imgur

5. A spider web that look just like a human face…

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© Mul_Dev / Reddit

6. A scaleless snake that has an “A” and a heart stamped on its head.

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© noodleisacat / Reddit

7. A mushroom that looks like a hamburger that someone left behind in the snow

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© Captainthib13 / Reddit

8. A rock that looks like a Brussels sprout

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© New-Possibility-9144 / Reddit

9. The biggest library you can find on a street…

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© raidd1 / Reddit

10. The shadows make the eggs look soft and mushy.

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© cantthink0fanything / Reddit

11. A goose that looks like it has an unusual beak

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© _gromice_ / Reddit

12. This cloud and tree are centered so perfectly that it looks like the tree is wearing the cloud.

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© onegalnamedsal / Imgur

13. This cat has found the perfect Halloween costume.

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© Vuthakral / Imgur

14. The wind formed a rose with the snow!

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© mledonne / Reddit

15. A beet that looks like a human heart

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© FilippKaba / Reddit

16. A headless man just standing in line like everyone else

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© AlexTheChase / Reddit

17. The reflection in the window makes it look like the gorilla is carrying a human child!

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© hshshssmaksb / Reddit

18. The shadow of the table made it look like she was wearing fishnets.

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© Rarararaaayka / Reddit

19. This dog doesn't really have buck teeth, but the snow decided otherwise.

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© schlinker / Reddit

20. Jabba the Hutt reincarnated as a purse…

Illustration de l'article : 20 photos that aren’t what they seem

© Bbbodypaint / Reddit, © Return Of The Jedi / 20th Century Studios