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  4. 20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test

20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test

Patience is a virtue, and the following photos will probably put yours to the test!

Illustration : "20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test"

Some situations require a degree of composure that deserve a medal if we manage to avoid having a total meltdown. Things can even get so irritating we want to pull our hair out strand by strand...

How would you react if you found yourself in one of these 20 infuriating situations?

1. The package clearly said "Do Not Bend"

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© 404forlife / reddit

2. They couldn't figure out where they'd put the remote control. 2 hours later they got up from the couch.

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© sluijter / imgur

3. When you get to the last egg and it breaks, adding egg white to a yolk-only recipe

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© Coliolioli / reddit

4. Her roommate hates washing up, so throws dirty utensils and crockery in the trash

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© bjarbeau / reddit

5. When only half a pair is delivered

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© Maminyam / reddit

6. Their parents decided to deprive them of privacy and removed their bedroom door

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© MadaraJaeger_69 / reddit

7. When there's only 4 of your favorite flavor

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© majecaps182 / reddit

8. "All Lime" means "All Lime" not "Sour"

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© PB-n-AJ / reddit

9. He ordered 30-odd books and they came in separate packaging

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© sousaj / reddit

10. When your Roomba finds a pile of plaster and spreads it all over the floor

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© AStrangerSaysHi / reddit

11. How not to motivate your kids

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© theportraitssecret / reddit

12. His wife ate the marshmallows but left the rest

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© ontimpaul / reddit

13. His girlfriend decided to sharpen the knife herself

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© marslnk / reddit

14. How to destroy a cable

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© jenkokov / reddit

15. The ad said the house came with a pool

Illustration de l'article : 20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test

© scrane122 / reddit

16. One of her husband's most infuriating habits

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© awberries / reddit

17. Plus they were running late

Illustration de l'article : 20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test

© NotoriousArcher / reddit

18. This person resuses their glass without washing it...

Illustration de l'article : 20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test

© gr8cornh0lio / reddit

19. When your fridge stocks 9 eggs max

Illustration de l'article : 20 situations that would put anyone's patience to the test

© BiancaMadalina / reddit

20. Seriously? They eat avocados like this?

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© ferrero-rocher-c*** / reddit