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  4. 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

Inventors are constantly coming up with practical solutions to our everyday problems or desires. Some may be fun, others become international best-sellers as they change the lives of households around the globe.

Illustration : "21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live"

Some are so useful that we often wonder how we managed to survive without them, just like the following selection of awesome ideas. So, if you love discovering the latest gadgets or life hacks, then read on and look forward to an easier life!

1. A blow-up protective cover - never worry again about hail storms!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© tinkrman / reddit

2. A microwave with an integrated toaster!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© PaperRibbons / reddit

3. For anyone who loves singing in the shower... A shower head with an integrated Bluetooth speaker.

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© The_Almighty_Ian / reddit

4. An ATM with randomized numbers so no one can guess your PIN number from your hand movements or finger prints

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© celebi1023 / reddit

5. A wedding gown with practical pockets!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© KirenMoore / reddit

6. These restrooms in Taipei have a real-time display that lets you know when a cubicle is free

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© Hadouken617 / reddit

7. This hotel has weather updates on its mirrors

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© mynamesafad / reddit

8. A biro that shows ink levels

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© dovahkitch / reddit

9. So you can limit the amount of chocolate you eat

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© pm_me_ur_robot_pics / reddit

10. A mouse with an integrated calculator

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© Mtndewed6814 / reddit

11. For sushi-loving Star Wars fans!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© AmITheChad / reddit

12. So you know what's inside!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© Castle0nACloud / reddit

13. A backpack with an integrated whistle on the strap

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© xMudxCrabx / reddit

14. Safely take your cat for walks!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© crestonebeard / reddit

15. Air-filled packaging to limit waste!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© MinnesotaBoy25 / reddit

16. This Portland airport has refrigerated tables to keep your drinks cold

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© thewangatang / reddit

17. A hair clip that's also a ruler and wrench

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© MyUglyKitty / reddit

18. Reusable and resealable - genius idea!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© mchickenl / reddit

19. This changing room has a light-adjustable mirror, so you can see what your outfit will look like at any time of day

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© theujwalsuspects / reddit

20. Child-friendly toilet seat!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© im-Scary-Terry/ reddit

21. Keep cool at all times with a cap that has an integrated fan!

Illustration de l'article : 21 practical inventions that are set to change the way we live

© TahsinTariq / reddit