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  5. 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

Once upon a time, if we bragged about finding something cool, people would accuse us of exaggerating or even telling lies... The great thing about our internet age is that when we happen upon something awesome, we can now show it off to the world.

Illustration : "27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery"

Here 27 lucky people who came across something surprising and decided to share it with the rest of us!

1. A leaf as large as a steering wheel!

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© ebjazzz / reddit

2. "Whilst I was gardening, I found this bottle - it looks a little ecosystem has grown inside!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© kidgalaxyx2 / reddit

3. When you pick up what looks like a cigarette, only to discover it's a pencil

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© kassiebby1124 / reddit

4. "This book is 231 years old and I found this pressed butterfly on page 153!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Tendarloin / reddit

5. The day you decided to check why a wall plug wasn't working and found it covered a mini-safe...

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© hippyscum98 / reddit

6. "I found this on the ground - George Washington smoking a cigar."

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© PM_me_your_NYC_nudes / reddit

7. When you take a walk along a beach and find a perfectly round pebble

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Aura_Void / reddit

8. "This hummingbird fell onto my window sill. It was freezing to death, so I looked after him until he got better."

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© c451 / imgur

9. "I found this on my garden chair - it's a lizard skeleton!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© 93wildcat / reddit

10. "That's my dad - he and his friend found the boot that Reese Witherspoon threw off a cliff when filming Wild!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Jaxmus / reddit

11. "We were doing up our kitchen and when we removed the microwave, we found this!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© RodentofNormalSize / reddit

12. "Look what I found in the parking lot in front of a pet store!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© longliveus / reddit

13. When you realize Sauron's watching you drink your glass of wine

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© ajustice83 / reddit

14. "When clearing out my parents' house because it was sold, I remembered writing this message on the toilet wall. My parents lived in this house for 25 years and never noticed it!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Tyoung1110 / reddit

15. "My grandpa found this in Texas. It's been sculpted by the wind and rain, but I have no idea what it could be!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© unknown author / imgur

16. A stone that looks just like a human heart

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Archalon / reddit

17. Once upon a time, this was how we connected...

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© brewtalizer / reddit

18. "I found some of my childhood games in my parents' attic."

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery


19. "I came across this whilst walking my dog in a forest!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Horrorshow13 / reddit

20. "I couldn't understand why my cat was spending so much time in a closet - until I found this!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© ThePhognaBologna / reddit

21. If anyone knows Freddy Marr, a 6 year-old from London, tell him that his message in a bottle washed up in Denmark!

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© TideLineArt / twitter

22. When your daughter finds something special in the garden and gives it to you for Christmas

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© SmarterEveryDay / imgur

23. We never knew that ants enjoy gladiator-style combats

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© fprovost / imgur

24. When you clean out a pipe through which paint flows and find this!

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© btsclan / imgur

25. A jellyfish that's just caught and swallowed a fish!

26. A chili rainbow!

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© petriomelony / reddit

27. "I met a pink grasshopper today!"

Illustration de l'article : 27 people who stumbled upon something amazing and decided to share their discovery

© Wolfhole / reddit

What about you? Have you ever come across something incredible that you'd like to share with us?